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Chinese Spring Holiday Fruit Soup



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Chinese Spring Holiday Fruit Soup

My enthusiasm for Chinese Spring Holiday Fruit Soup is much better than eating fruit directly. You can refer to FRUIT SOUP – DRAGON FRUIT VERSION(水果羹-火龙果版本) and CHINESE FRUIT SOUP, which are different fruit soups made before. I make it according to the season and family preferences.

In addition, there is a pineapple recipe that you must have a try! CHINESE PINEAPPLE FRIED RICE

The method of making fruit soup is very simple, the key is the order of cooking of different fruits.

Tips for making Chinese Spring Holiday Fruit Soup

After the water has boiled, I will put it in apples and pears. Stew these hard fruits under low heat for only 5-10 minutes

Then thicken it with a mixture of cornstarch and water (depending on the serving size, I like a slightly thickening taste, only about 15g of cornstarch is mixed with water before pouring into the pot)

After thickening, add other softer fruits, such as kiwi, strawberry, blueberry, and so on,

Finally, fruit soup does not need to spend a lot of time to stew. After adding other soft fruits, the beautiful and delicious fruit soup is all completed.

This Chinese Spring Holiday Fruit Soup contains only three types of ingredients: apple, orange, and soaked wolfberry.
The taste is refreshing and very spring.

This Chinese Spring Holiday Fruit Soup contains only three types of ingredients: apple, orange, and soaked wolfberry.
The taste is refreshing and very spring.

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