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Black Fungus Fried Green Pepper

The Best Black Fungus Fried Green Pepper recipe ever!


for 2 servings

  • 200 g Black Fungus
  • 3/4 Green pepper
  • 2 eggs
  • the right amount of Salt


  1. Because I use raw fungus, I need to soak it first, let him start naturally. The soaking time depends on the variety and size of the fungus. The time ranges from 1 to 3 hours, but it cannot be immersed overnight.

  2. The unfolded fungus is cut open and the cut green pepper is opened. I will apply salt on both ingredients afterward.

  3. Boil the pot, add oil, add the mixed egg yolk solution, stay for 5-10 seconds, stir the egg liquid into a soft egg flower, do not fully cooked, semi-finished scrambled eggs can be served to the plate, waiting for later mix with the black fungus.

  4. Heat the oil in a pot, add in the black fungus, and stir-fry for 3-5 minutes, then add the green pepper. Because the green pepper is easy to cook, you need to pay attention to it. Finally, add the egg flower and stir-fry. A delicious dish can be served.

Recipe Notes

The order of the ingredients in the dish is super important, first the hard-to-cook fungus, then the easy-to-cook green pepper, and finally the semi-finished scrambled eggs.

It is very important to first apply the salted bar to the pickled pepper on the fungus. Most people don't like to eat green pepper because the green pepper itself has no taste. Applying it with salt before the pot will make this dish even more amazing!